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Welcome to Day 20 of the I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION series on self-love.


"The one thing I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates

"Don't just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything" - George Carlin

We are living in confusing, often unprecedented, times. The lines between our perception of 'left' and 'right', even our perception of 'right' and 'wrong' are sometimes just not as clear as we would like them to be.

Have you experienced any of this lately...The affiliations you hold or the groups you support suddenly don't seem to represent you the way you hoped they would? The people in your life, friends and family, that you thought you were in alignment with now are challenging your thinking and your beliefs? Even you are unclear as to which side you stand on?

Being faced with uncertainty and confusion in this way can be unsettling - or - it can be beautiful. Maybe this time of unrest could be viewed as a gift. An opportunity for exploration, for learning - and for love. The only way to know that you are growing is if you are uncomfortable. And the only way to learn is to question everything.

Take a deep breath in. Feel your breath travel to your heart and repeat today's mantra: I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION TO QUESTION EVERYTHING. I open my heart and allow myself to be open to new ways of thinking. I allow my heart to guide me. I will be brave enough to challenge my own beliefs and to listen to others with kindness and patience. I will question with respect and listen without judgement. I offer an open mind and receive with love.

Sometimes, we need to sit in silence to hear our truth. Sometimes, we need to question everything to find that truth.

Offer each other patience today.

With love.


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